Mark Twain Highway
I’ve been a tepid-to-moderate St. Louis Cardinals fan since I was a kid, and lived in St. Louis during the Mark McGwire (freak)show. I still follow them from time to time, probably more than any other professional sports team. It’s not that I’m unsympathetic to sports pride, it’s just not something I’m passionate about.
I was actually passionately angry when the following silly injustice was done, and I’m glad to see it might be undone:
Missouri Senate votes to rename McGwire Highway (Yahoo Sports/AP)
The Missouri Senate wants to take away Mark McGwire’s highway. A stretch of Interstate 70 in St. Louis was designated the Mark McGwire Highway in 1999, one year after the Cardinals slugger hit a then-record 70 home runs. But McGwire has now admitted he used steroids, and the state Senate voted unanimously Monday to rename the section of interstate the Mark Twain Highway.
For me, it was always an easy call. Literary Hero and American Treasure vs. Guy Who Hits Ball. Seems simple, especially when the road is already named after the Literary Hero and American Treasure.
But then it’s Guy Who Hits Ball With Faux-Musculature? We must act!!!
Whatever it takes, I guess.